Ministry News May 2024

May 2024 Update

Chris & Nancy Maphosa

6/11/20246 min read

Mission Trip to Madgascar

Onias and I landed in Madagascar on the 1st of May 2024. Vololona and her husband came to pick us up and take us to the venue and accommodation.

On arrival the health department gave us tablets to prevent diarrhea. The tablets affected me seriously after about 30 Minutes where I started feeling different in my body and started vomited so much. I thought of returning to the health department, but security told me they were gone. I endured till we arrived, but the past 5 days was not so easy as Onias was affected the same way. Nevertheless, we thank God that we managed to hold training as if all was well by God’s grace. The Ministry in Madagascar was so great. We trained 33 trainers from Lutheran and Baptist church denominations. They likes the Orality and For Freedom, as some said it is so important to teach our children prevention of human trafficking, especially the children because of poverty and vulnerability.

They are determined to train others and reach the children. It is said that Muslims are targeting to build 2,000 Mosques and lure many poor people to their religion. The T4T trained children’s workers are also determined to reach as many children as is possible within the Muslim controlled areas, especially in the north of Madagascar.

Photos below: Left - Onias and Chris arrival in Madagascar, Vololona and her husband welcoming us; Center - Group photo at T4T training with General Secretary of Lutheran Church denomination of over a million members in the country. Right - T4T Training group work.

Logistical Meetings

We met with the General Secretary of the Lutheran Church who expressed his appreciation for partnering with SIM and his gratefulness for the children's department whose Director was trained by T4T and other members. He is waiting for a great training to be done before end of the year.
He would like to organize a training for his church denomination and the Bible school students. We agreed to discuss it further as he was going to share with his church denomination board and find suitable time for his students to be trained.

Finally, we met with the Baptist of Malagasy President. He was grateful for our coming to train his Sunday School department. Under the leadership of Vololona we visited the planned venue that will accommodate many people to be trained as implementers of T4T. Planned dates are from 12th of July to Mid-August 2024. They are going to need more books in Malagasy and/or French. There is much work to be done of printing the materials for training and children’s lesson books. Please pray for the Lord to supply the needed resource to print.

Photos below: Left - Logistical meeting with the General Secretary of Lutheran Church, Rev. Kotobesoa;
Right - Logistical meeting with Rev. Rahaliarivory Herman

Photos above: Left - Logistical meeting with the Baptist President, Rev. Najo Salama;
Right - Viewing the July T4T training venue, building is called Place of Salvation.

Madagascar - A Country in Need

Madagascar is generally a needy country as many people said they can not afford to attend the trainings at their expens and yet the need is great and big. Madagascar is a nation of about 29 Million. Almost half of the population is younger people and ¾ of the younger people are said to be children. It is best that we reach the children by planting seed for the future which will awaken their consciouceness about God. We must reach them wherever they are before the Muslim religion sweeps through the generation. Madagascar is a fertile ground to plant seed for the future.

Transportation Problems Continue

Onias and I are safely back in Johannesburg from Madagascar. I had to attend the vehicle on full service after the vehicle breakdown was fixed. We found out that it was a crank shaft sensor causing it to switch off in the middle of the road or along the way. However, I no longer trust it at all, but I have no option. I need to travel. So, I had to have it serviced and will give it another try for the Botswana Mission trip from Johannesburg, then to Zimbabwe and then back to South Africa. It will be a big test. Please pray for it not to breakdown again.

Photos above: Left - Chris teaching lesson on the Gospel Hand to N4T children; Right - Feeding the children attending the N4T lesson.

T4T Orientation Training with N4T (Now for Tomorrow) Volunteers, brainchild of T4T

N4T is a registered Ministry in South Africa with the Social Development Department of the Government. The T4T volunteers in Katlehong decided to reach the community children but needed an official registration. They could not register it as T4T because T4T is under SIM, which is also registered with the same Social Development South Africa Government Department - hence they gave it a slightly different name - N4T - for logistical purposes but it uses the same T4T material to reach and disciple the children. Their motto is “N4T Restoration of Humanity” where the motto of T4T is “T4T Planting seeds for the future”. Chris enjoyed time with the volunteers and more importantly with the children.

Visit to the
Queen's Palace

We had the opportunity to visit some places like the Queen's palace, hearing stories of Madagascar.

Family News

I communicate with Nancy daily and our two daughters Peace and Blessing as well. They are all doing fine. We held a family session with the Maranatha officers and Chris Junior on his healing progress. There is a positive change in his behavior such that they reduced the medication. We will hear more on the next family session. When we talk with him we also feel some changes. Please keep up praying for a total healing, total mind reset, total overhall of his life according to what God has purposed for him. For more specifics and/or details please feel free to contact us.

Next Mission Trip is to Botswana for Bible Week. Please pray!
Thank you for your love, care, prayers and support!
We love you, but God loves you the more!
Chris & Nancy

Praise the Lord for:

  • Thank God for good health.

  • Continued Ministry and impactful children’s workers through T4T

  • T4T Missionary trips to Madagascar successfully

  • Prayers and supporters

  • All that God has enabled us to achieve for His Kingdom’s sake.

  • Chris Junior reported recovery progress so far.

Pray for:

  • Praying for the upcoming Ministry planned

  • Good health for the Maphosas as a family, volunteer teams, and the children in each country.

  • For the ministry to flow well through available means in-person or onsite, to children and volunteer teachers.

  • For our volunteer teachers to remain committed to teaching children and that the children will remain rooted in Christ.

  • For resources for the ministry to continue its expansion.

  • Reliable vehicle

  • Prayers and supporters

  • Chris Junior complete healing, his future life and to love the Lord more.

  • Please pray for Mission trip to Botswana, back to South Africa in June and Madagascar in July 2024.

We are forever grateful for your prayers and support that make us able to fulfill God’s mandate.
We love you all but God loves you the more and forever appreciates your prayers and support.