Creating a Vision for Tomorrow: A Brighter Future for Children in Southern Africa

Today for Tomorrow (T4T) is a discipleship, health, and HIV/AIDS prevention program, targeting children and youth.

Our vision is to make a lasting impact on the lives of children we minister to and create a brighter future for them as they grow in the Lord Jesus Christ and follow Him throughout their life.

We train volunteers, children's workers and Sunday school teachers to use our children’s curriculum lessons.

About the program

The program aims to:

Show children the love of God displayed through Jesus Christ

Disciple children in their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ

Reach children holistically - physically, spiritually, socially, mentally, and emotionally

Build character traits of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship

Minister to orphans and children with disabilities

Give special care and support to children in difficult circumstances

Move towards a healthy and AIDS-free generation

Building pillars of character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship